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15 parutions ont été publiées dans la revue
Aquatic Botany

(217) Meinesz A., Cirik S., Akcali B., Javel F., Migliaccio M., Thibaut T., Yksek A. and Procaccini G. - 2009.
Posidonia oceanica in the Marmara Sea 90 :18-22.

(202) Micheli C., Paganin P., Peirano A., Caye., Meinesz A. and Bianchi C.-N. - 2005.
Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in relation to local factors and biogeographic paterns 82 : 210-221.

(198) Thibaut T., Meinesz A. and Coquillard P. - 2004.
Biomass seasonality of Caulererpa taxifolia in the Meditranean Sea 80 : 291-297.

(172) Molenaar H., D. Barthelemy, P. De Reffye, A. Meinesz and I. Mialet - 2000.
Modelling architecture and growth patterns of Posidonia oceanica. 66 : 85-99.

(138) Capiomont A., M. Sandmeyer, G. Caye and A. Meinesz - 1996.
Enzyme polymorphism in Posidonia oceanica, a seagrass endemic to the Mediterranean 54 : 265-277.

(139) Boudouresque C.-F., R. Lemee, X. Mari and A. Meinesz - 1996.
The invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia is not a suitable diet for the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. 53 : 245-250.

(130) Belsher T. and A. Meinesz - 1995.
Deep-Water distribution of the tropical alga introduced into the Mediterranean : Caulerpa taxifolia. 51 : 163-169.

(93) Caye G., C. Bulard, A. Meinesz and F. Loques - 1992.
Dominant role of sea water osmotic pressure on germination in Cymodocea nodosa. 42 : 187-193.

(86) Meinesz A., H. Molenaar, E. Belonne and F. Loques - 1991.
Growth and devopment in culture of orthotropic rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. 39 : 367-377.

(77) Loques F., G. Caye and A. Meinesz - 1990.
Axenic culture of selected tissue of Posidonia oceanica. 37 : 171-188.

(78) Loques F., G. Caye and A. Meinesz - 1990.
Germination in the marine phanerogam Zostera noltii Hornemann at Golfe Juan (French Mediterranean). 38 : 249-260.

(67) Calmet D., C.-F. Boudouresque and A. Meinesz - 1988.
Memorization of nuclear atmospheric tests by rhizomes of the mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica 30 : 279-294.

(71) Loques F., G. Caye and A. Meinesz A. - 1988.
Flowering and fruiting of Zostera noltii in the Mediterranean open sea. 32 : 341-352.

(63) Caye G. and A. Meinesz - 1986.
Experimental study of seed germination in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. 26 : 75-87.

(53) Caye G. and A. Meinesz - 1985.
Observations on the vegetative development, flowering and seeding of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson, on the Mediterranean coast of France. 22 : 277-289.