En librairie le 25/08/2021

Publications et communications scientifique

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5 parutions ont �t� publi�es dans la revue
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia

(180) Jousson O., J. Pawlowski, L. Zaninetti, A. Meinesz and C.-F. Boudouresque - 2001.
Intra-individual genetic polymorphism in Caulerpa taxifolia populations and related Caulerpa species.. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M.,.(Edits). GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr. 12-18. .

(181) Caye G., M. Sandmeier, C. Michault, T. Pillen and A. Meinesz - 2001.
Prelimiary study on enzyme polymorphism of Caulerpa taxifolia from the Mediterranean and other origins.. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M. (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ. Fr. 19-22.

(182) Boudouresque C.-F., G. Scabbia, A. Meinesz and V. Gravez - 2001.
Towards a Mediterranean network for research into an managment of the spread of invasive species of Caulerpa. What future for the objectives of the European Commission Life Program ?. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M., (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ. Fr. 1-2.

(183) Boudouresque C.F., A. Meinesz and V. Gravez - 2001.
An overview of the present state of knowledge on Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean sea. .. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M., (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ. Fr. 3-4. .

(184) Meyer U. and A. Meinesz - 2001.
Inquiry on the aquarium cultivation of Caulerpa taxifolia in Europe before its introduction into the Mediterranean Sea.. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M., (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ.Fr. 7-11.