En librairie le 25/08/2021

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Algues / Algae
Caulerpa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta)
Caulerpa taxifolia
Origine, taxinomie et Genétique

12 parutions trouv�es :

(180) Jousson O., J. Pawlowski, L. Zaninetti, A. Meinesz and C.-F. Boudouresque - 2001.
Intra-individual genetic polymorphism in Caulerpa taxifolia populations and related Caulerpa species.. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M.,.(Edits). GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr., 12-18. .

(181) Caye G., M. Sandmeier, C. Michault, T. Pillen and A. Meinesz - 2001.
Prelimiary study on enzyme polymorphism of Caulerpa taxifolia from the Mediterranean and other origins.. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M. (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ. Fr., 19-22.

(184) Meyer U. and A. Meinesz - 2001.
Inquiry on the aquarium cultivation of Caulerpa taxifolia in Europe before its introduction into the Mediterranean Sea.. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Gravez V., Ruitton S., Boudouresque C.-F., Le Direac’h L., Meinesz A., Scabbia G. and Verlaque M., (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ.Fr., 7-11.

(185) Wiedenmann J., A. Baumstark, T.L. Pillen, A. Meinesz and W. Vogel - 2001.
DNA fingerprints of Caulerpa taxifolia provide evidence for the introduction of an aquarium strain into the Mediterranean Sea and its close relationship to an Australian population.. Marine Biology, 38 : 229 : 234.

(173) Jousson O., J. Pawlowski, L. Zaninetti, F.W. Zechman, F. Dini, G. Di Guiseppe, R. Woodfield, A. Millar and A. Meinesz - 2000.
Invasive alga reaches California.. Nature, 408, 157-158.

(174) Meinesz A. - 2000.
Aquarium trade and success of the green tropical alga Caulerpa taxifolia invading the Mediterranean Sea.. Proceedings 85 th Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 174, Aug. – Snowbird, Utah, USA,. p. 25.

(151) Jousson O., J. Pawlowski, L. Zaninetti, A. Meinesz and C.-F. Boudouresque - 1998.
Molecular evidence for the aquarium origin of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia introduced to the Mediterranean Sea.. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 172 : 275-280.

(153) Gillespie B., A. Meinesz and A.T. Critchley - 1998.
Growth response of Caulerpa taxifolia (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) from the South African aquarist trade. A potential invasive of South African coastal waters.. South African Journal of Botany, 63(6): 484-490.

(141) Meinesz A. and C.-F. Boudouresque - 1996.
Sur l’origine de Caulerpa taxifolia en Méditerranée.. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris (Sciences de la vie), 319 : 603-613.

(145) Caye G., P. Chambet, L. Delahaye, A. Meinesz, D. Pietkiewicz and K. Ryder - 1996.
Différences entre Caulerpa taxifolia de Méditerranée et C. taxifolia des mers tropicales.. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Ribera-Siguan A., Ballesteros E., Gomez A., Boudouresque C.-F. and Gravez V. (Edits.), Universidad de Barcelona Publ., 171-176.

(119) Meinesz A., D. Pietkiewicz, T. Komatsu, G. Caye, J. Blachier, R. Lemee and A. Renoux-Meunier - 1994.
Notes taxinomiques préliminaires sur Caulerpa taxifolia et Caulerpa mexicana.. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Boudouresque C.-F., Meinesz A. and Gravez V. (Edits.),., GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr., 105-114. .

(88) Meinesz A. and B. Hesse - 1991.
Introduction et invasion de l'algue tropicale Caulerpa taxifolia en Mediterranée Nord occidentale.. Oceanologica Acta, 14 (4) : 415-426.