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Algues / Algae
Caulerpa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta)
Caulerpa taxifolia

17 parutions trouv�es :

(215) Meinesz A. - 2007.
Methods for identifying and tracking seaweeds invasions. Botanica Marina, 50 : 373-384.

(176) Meinesz A., J.-M. Cottalorda, D. Chiaverini, T. Thibaut and J. De Vaugelas - 2001.
Evaluating and disseminating information concerning the spread of Caulerpa taxifolia along the french Mediterranean coast.. Second International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, (New-Orleans, USA, 9-11 avril 2001), 99-100.

(177) Cottalorda J.-M, A. Meinesz, D. Chiaverini and J. De Vaugelas - 2001.
1991/2001 : 11 years of campaigns for public awareness of the Caulerpa taxifolia problem.. Second International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, (New-Orleans, USA, 9-11 avril 2001), 24.

(188) Meinesz A., T. Belsher, T. Thibaut, B. Antolic, K. Ben Mustapha, C.F. Boudouresque, D. Chiaverini, F. Cinelli, J.-M. Cottalorda, A. Djellouli, A. El Abed, C. Orestano, A.M. Grau, L. Ivesa, A. Jaklin, H. Langar, E. Massuti-Pascual, A. Peirano, L. Tunesi, J. De Vaugelas, N. Zavodnik and A. Zuljevic - 2001.
The introduced green alga Caulerpa taxifolia continues to spread in the Mediterranean.. Biological Invasion, 3 : 201-210.

(167) Meinesz A., J. De Vaugelas and J.-M. Cottalorda - 1999.
Situation générale de l’expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia en France et analyse des biotopes atteints.. UNEP proceedings of the workshop on Invasive Caulerpa species in the Mediterranean, Heraklion, Crete (Greece), 18-20 march 1998. MTS N° 125, UNEP Athens, 73-84.

(169) Vaugelas J. De, A. Meinesz, B. Antolic, E. Ballesteros, T. Belsher, N. Cassar, F. Cinelli, J.-M. Cottalorda, C. Frad Orestano, A. Jaklin, C. Morucci, R. Sandulli, A. Span, G. Tripaldi, P. Van Klaveren, N. Zavodnik and A. Zuljevic - 1999.
Proposition for a standardization of map representation of Caulerpa taxifolia expansion in the Mediterranean Sea.. Oceanologica Acta, 22 : 85-94.

(154) Cottalorda J.-M., V. Gravez, B. Antolic, A. Aranda, E. Ballesteros, C.-F. Boudouresque, N. Cassar, F. Cinelli, J.-D. Darder Ribot, C. Orestano, A. Grau-Jofre, A. Jaklin, A. Meinesz, C. Rodriguez-Pietro, A. Span, T. Thibaut, J. De Vaugelas, N. Zavodnik and A. Zuljeviv - 1998.
Second international campaign for public awareness of the Caulerpa taxifolia problem. An essential tool collect cartographic data and to slow down the spread of this alga.. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Boudouresque C.-F., Meinesz A. and Gravez V (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr., 9-16.

(155) Meinesz A., J.-M. Cottalorda, D. Chiaverini, M. Braun, N. Carvalho, M. Febvre, S. Ierardi, L. Mangialajo, G. Passeron-Seitre, T. Thibaut and J. De Vaugelas - 1998.
Synthèse cartographique de l'invasion de Caulerpa taxifolia au 31 Décembre 1996.. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Boudouresque C.-F., Meinesz A. and Gravez V. (Edits), GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr., 21-26.

(144) Vaugelas J. (De), J.-M. Cottalorda, S. Charrier, T. Commeau, L. Delahaye, F. Jaffrenou, R. Lemee, A. Meinesz and H. Molenaar - 1996.
Cartographie de l'invasion de Caulerpa taxifolia. Situation sur les côtes françaises de la Méditerranée à la fin de 1994.. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Ribera-Siguan A., Ballesteros E., Gomez A., Boudouresque C.-F. and Gravez V. (Edits.), Universidad de Barcelona Publ., 91-97.

(130) Belsher T. and A. Meinesz - 1995.
Deep-Water distribution of the tropical alga introduced into the Mediterranean : Caulerpa taxifolia.. Aquatic Botany, 51 : 163-169.

(134) Boudouresque C.-F., A. Meinesz, M. A. Ribera and F. Ballesteros - 1995.
Spread of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean : possible consequences of a major ecological event.. Scienta Marina, 59 : 61-67.

(111) Meinesz A., E. Ballesteros, J. Blachier, F. Cinelli, J.-M. Cottalorda, C. Frada-Orestano, T. Komatsu, R. Leme, H. Molenaar, C. Morucci, S. Pou, R. Sandulli, G. Tripaldi and J. (De) Vaugelas - 1994.
Latest News on the spread of Caulerpa taxifolia introduced in the Mediterranean. Proceedings 5 th International Phycological Congress, Qingdao (China), N° 164 : 28.

(123) Vaugelas J. De, J. Blachier, J.-M. Cottalorda, T. Komatsu, R. Lemee, A. Meinesz, H. Molenaar and D. Pietkiewicz - 1994.
Premiers résultats de la campagne de sensibilisation européenne sur l'invasion de Caulerpa taxifolia. Situation sur les côtes françaises de la Méditerranée à la fin de 1993.. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Caulerpa taxifolia. Editeur(s) : Boudouresque C.-F., Meinesz A. and Gravez V. (Edits.), GIS Posidonie Publ., Fr., 121-125.

(103) Meinesz A., J. (De) Vaugelas, B. Hesse and X. Mari - 1993.
Spread of the introduced tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in northern Mediterranean Waters.. Journal of Applied Phycology, 5 : 141-147. .

(96) Boudouresque C.-F., A. Meinesz, M. Verlaque and M. Knoepffler-Peguy - 1992.
The expansion of the tropical alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea.. Cryptogamie Algologie, 13 (2) : 144-145.

(98) Meinesz A., B. Hesse and X. Mari - 1992.
Spreading of the introduced tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in Nothern Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings 15 th International Seaweed Symposium, Brest-St- Malo, (198) : 102. .

(88) Meinesz A. and B. Hesse - 1991.
Introduction et invasion de l'algue tropicale Caulerpa taxifolia en Mediterranée Nord occidentale.. Oceanologica Acta, 14 (4) : 415-426.